Southern California Technical College
- Learn
- Grow
- Develop
Grow With Us
Earn your ECE units to become a preschool teacher as per requirements from California department of community care licensing division.
The field of Early Childhood Education is a valued field and a growing recognition to improve the lives of children. This field encourages educators with an exciting and an encouraging future in California Early Learning and Development system.
Certified Courses
- Certified curriculum and materials approved by the EMSA & DPR.
Career Growth
- Career growth opportunity for occupation in early childhood development.
Childcare Training
Earn your Early Childhood Education Units (ECE Units) to become a preschool Director or a teacher.
Interested in opening your childcare business (In-home/Center), you are in the right place.
Get step-by-step information on how to start your business with all rules/regulations and laws governed by TITLE 22, Community Care Licensing. We are with you all the way until you get your license to operate the business.
- Explore the world of possibilities when it comes to providing home-based childcare
- Building a step-by-step plan to start your own childcare program
- We guide you with your state's licensing requirements and the application process
- Design your space without losing the comfort of your home/Center
- Understand those confusing business, budgeting & tax questions
- Earn the income you deserve - at your pace and on your terms